Honda Shadow Phantom Mod Series - Episode 3: Foot Pegs Removal + Install

on January 09, 2020

Welcome to Part 3 of our video series that chronicles TJ (of TJ Brutal Customs) as he modifies a Honda Shadow VT750 Phantom (2010 model).

TJ walks viewers through the process of modifying a custom Honda Shadow and shares each step on our YouTube channel. He’ll be inventing parts along the way and asking for YOUR feedback on which mods to make—everything from handlebars and risers to intake, foot controls, and clutch style will be up for debate. We want YOUR input!

Throughout this series, you’ll see firsthand how TJ researches and develops new parts for a custom bike—and he’ll use your feedback to get those parts into production so YOU can use them too!

For this mod, TJ is looking to create a custom Honda Shadow Phantom with a low profile (a little “bulldog-ish,” he says) and fat tires; cruiser-style. But then again, your comments will definitely play a big role in each part of the mod, so be vocal and don’t be afraid to speak up about what you want to see!

Missed the first two episodes? Check them out here and here. And make sure you’re subscribed so you don’t miss upcoming episodes!

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Episode 3: Foot Peg Removal + Install



In this episode, TJ walks us through the installation of a set of TJ Brutal Customs Holey Foot Pegs. The install is quick and easy to follow. He also explains the usefulness and intention behind the unique TJ Brutal Customs Holey Foot Peg design. We might be a little biased, but these are definitely the BEST Honda Shadow Foot Pegs on the market. Check ‘em out here!


Step 1: Remove the old foot pegs

Starting with the old foot peg, the first thing we’re going to take off is the cotter pin, then remove the stock clevis and washer. Detach the old foot peg and chuck it into the trash because your new Holey Foot Pegs are 100x better quality than any stock Honda Shadow foot pegs! They're the BEST Honda Shadow Foot Pegs EVER and made in the good ole U.S.A.!!!


These Honda Shadow foot pegs are really pretty easy to put on. They’re actually a direct fit for any type of Honda Shadow. And you won’t need an adapter, either. These solid brass foot pegs use your stock mounting hardware and stock mounting clevis for easy installation and a seamless, clean look. 


Step 2: Install the new foot pegs

Attach the new foot peg using the stock clevis and washer. If your stock cotter pin is looking worse for wear, grab a new one to finish off the job.


The only potential issue you may run into is your clevis may be bent. If that’s the case, pop it out with a hammer then straighten it out on a bench using a vice or whatever you’ve got handy.


Step 3: Bask in the beauty of your new foot pegs!

Replacing the foot pegs on your bike is actually a pretty simple process. There’s not a whole lot involved but new Honda Shadow foot pegs will take your bike from TRASH to FLASH in under two minutes! Now that’s an easy upgrade--using the best Honda Shadow foot pegs on the market today!


Why Choose TJ Brutal Customs Holey Foot Pegs?

If you look at the Holey Foot Peg design, you’ll see there’s a little lip on the outer edge. That’s to help keep your foot on the peg and prevent slip-offs. Depending on what kind of sole or shank you have on your boot (i.e. work boots), it may have a thick or metal composite inside the sole which doesn’t allow you to “feel” where your foot is on the pedal. We’ve seen other foot pegs in the past without a lip and here’s what happens: say your boot drifts halfway off the peg and you didn’t realize it, but as soon as you hit a bump, your foot’s completely off the pedal! The built-in, knurled lip design of the Holey Foot Peg will remedy that for sure. That, along with the drilled holes in the cylinder provides the texture your boot needs to grab onto while you’re riding.



The holes and the hollowing also keep the pegs lightweight. Because brass is a pretty dang heavy material. This is C36 machinable brass – it’s very strong and has many different applications, but when you hollow it out and put some holes in it, it keeps it lightweight without sacrificing too much strength.


Well that’s all we’ve got for now! We are excited to have you following along with this build. Stay tuned, subscribe to our channel on YouTube, and hit the “like” button if you enjoyed the content!


Here’s the full episode for your viewing pleasure!




 Shop TJ Brutal Customs Holey Foot Pegs

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