MAX Performance Kit - Honda VT750 - 2004 & Newer Aero Phantom Spirit EFI

$ 419.99$ 524.96

Backdraft Stainless Steel Exhaust for Honda VT750 - 2004 & Newer Aero, Phantom, Spirit

$ 279.99$ 479.99

HI-LO Drag Stainless Steel Exhaust for Honda Shadow VT750 - 2004 & Newer Aero Phantom Spirit

$ 279.99$ 479.99

Backdraft Exhaust - Honda VT750 - 2004 & Newer Aero Phantom Spirit

$ 359.99

Fork Extensions - Honda Shadow VT750 AERO 04-14, Spirit 07-09, & Phantom All Years

$ 189.99$ 279.99

Custom Peanut Gas Tank for Honda Shadow EFI Models - VT750 Phantom, AERO, Spirit

$ 199.99$ 349.99

HI-LO Drag Exhaust for Honda Shadow VT750 - 2004 & Newer Aero Phantom Spirit - Cerakote Black

$ 349.99$ 399.00

Bolt on Sissy Bar Kit for Honda Shadow Phantom VT750 & Spirit VT750

$ 269.99

Z-Bar Handlebars - 1"

$ 89.99$ 129.99
A collection of all parts that are specifically compatible with the Honda Shadow Phantom VT750 EFI models. 
Many of our parts will work with other model bikes but for simplicity's sake, these parts will only work on the Phantom EFI VT750