Lithium Ion vs. Stock Battery, Regulator Rectifier and MORE! - Honda Shadow

on May 15, 2019
The Great Battery Debate 

One of our customers drives an ’88 VT1100 and just picked up an antigravity lithium ion battery. He wants to know if he needs to update his stator or regulator rectifier.

What would you tell him?? 
TJ answers his Q's and drops some BATTERY KNOWLEDGE BOMBS (including his thoughts on antigravity batteries) in this video!!
HERE'S THE ANSWER: No, you don’t need to. Antigravity lithium ion batteries are great all around. The only catch is this: if you want to charge them you have to get ahold of a lithium ion-specific charger. If you tried to jump it with a car or a regular battery charger it’s not gonna work. DUH.
Bottom line, I totally recommend these batteries. I use them on all of my bikes. They’re reliable. It’s also an easy way to lose 6-7 lbs (by getting rid of your bulky stock battery).


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