The Ignition Tune Up Kit works with all Honda Shadows and will improve mileage, performance and startups! Kit Includes: 4 NGK DPR8EA-9 SPARK PLUGS 4 K&S RESISTOR CAPS 10 FEET OF...
The worlds first BOLT ON electronics tank for your hard-tailed Honda Shadow VT600! You should always keep your coils out of the electronics tank as well as your regulator rectifier,...
With this bolt-on Mono Strut Electronics Tank, you can use our Hardtail Mono Strut to give your Honda Shadow VT600 that hard-tailed look and feel while still being able to have a clean...
This bolt on battery box for the AG801 small case 8 cell Antigravity battery is the perfect fit for your Honda Shadow bobber build! You can bolt these on anywhere...
This weld in battery box accommodates the stock size battery box found on the VT600 and VT750 Honda Shadows. Weld on capability means you can make your own brackets or...
These headlight adapter brackets are CNC machined from aluminum or solid brass, and are a perfect fit! They will accommodate most aftermarket headlights available, and feature a 3/8 inch hole to mount your headlight. This...