These velocity stacks will fit Honda Shadow VLX and VT600 from 1988 - 1998, VT500C from 1983 - 1986 and Honda Shadow VT750 dual carb Motorcycles except pre-1998 VT750 dual...
This Complete Performance Rebuild Kit is the only carburetor rebuild kit that includes literally everything you need to get your carburetors in the absolute best performing condition! If you pick...
This custom made gas tank for the Honda Shadow VLX, aka Honda Shadow VT600 fits your bikes dual backbone perfectly! Includes TJ Brutal Customs gas cap in aluminum but you...
The TJ BRUTAL CUSTOMS Fork Tube Extensions for Honda Shadow VT600 VLX Steed motorcycle forks are just what you need to turn that motorcycle into a mean highway cruiser! Extending...
This custom peanut gas tank for Honda Shadows is made to perfectly fit the backbone of the Honda Shadow VT750DCA Spirit 2001 - 2007 & VT750DCB Spirit 2003 - 2007...
THE BLACK BOX is a Complete Controls Kit that includes our Grips, Pegs, Shifter, Brake Peg, Throttle Assembly & Carb Shield It's a box full of the BLACK-est parts your BLACK heart desires!!...
This Complete Performance Carb Rebuild kit is for the Honda Shadow VT1100. If you got a velocity stack from us, and/or exhaust you will definitely need to re-jet and tune your carb with...
The Wide Profile Upsweep Exhaust for the Honda Shadow VLX600 are a simple yet bold descendant of the classic up-swept exhaust of chopper years past. Fits all years of VT600, VLX and...
Our Anteris Complete Fender and Sissy bar kit for Honda Shadows includes everything you will need to mount up one of our curved fenders and a sissy bar to your...