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The Complete Mono Strut Kit for Honda Shadow VT600 VLX 1988 - 2007...
The Complete Mono Strut Kit for Honda Shadow VT600 is the perfect Honda Shadow Suspension alternative to a hardtail. This kit gives you the short cut to removing your Honda Shadow Mono-Shock and replacing it with a low profile mono strut while at the same time, giving you the confidence that all of your electrical housing and battery will still fit.
Avoid the hassle of returns, hours of trial and error and praying to the Honda Shadow Strut Gods, that everything fits. Just get the Complete Mono Strut Kit for Honda Shadow VT600 VLX, and rest assured, everything will fit perfectly while allowing you to remove the many stock eyesores under your seat.
As usual, top of line quality and excellent welds on both E-tank and Battery box.
Was struggling a bit getting the battery box mounted, but thats due to my own fat sausage fingers. Once in place and e-tank mounted everything fit perfectly inside.
Gave the bike a much cleaner look 🤘🏻
Strongly reccomended!
Mono strut needs no introduction, perfectly designed👊🏻
As this is my first time building a motorcycle this website has made my life easy. This kit was the first thing I got. Solid construction, easy install, will be coming back for more!
I dig the stance it gave the bike, super easy to install, e-tank made everything look clean. Loved so much it lead me to convert to hardtail.
Loving this kit! From placing order, to recieved halfway across the globe went faster than a normal domestic order in my country. I allready knew i had ordered quality parts, But when unboxing and checking the parts out i was absolutely shocked over the build quality! Unrivaled!
It took roughly 15 beers from start to fully assembled and road ready 🤟🏻 and it looks super cool 😈
Strongly strongly reccomend this kit from team TJBC!!