MAX Performance Kit - Honda Shadow VT750 Spirit, ACE, Black Widow, Slasher


Backdraft Exhaust - Honda VT750 Spirit, ACE, RS

  • More options available.

Exhaust Gaskets - Honda Shadow (Choose between VT600, VT750, VT1100, VTX1300, VT13CX Fury)


Builders Exhaust Kit for Honda Shadow VT750 Fits Years 1998 - 2020


Builders Exhaust Boss Kit - Honda Shadow VT750 1998 - 2020


Honda Shadow Exhaust

Looking for the best exhaust option for your Honda Shadow? TJ Brutal Customs has you covered! Investing in an upgraded Honda Shadow exhaust is one of the best things you can do for your bike, and we have plenty of options so that you can find the perfect fit in terms of both performance and style. Get to know more about our exhaust kits below:

Backdraft Exhaust Kits

We carry three sexy backdraft exhaust kits—all of which sport an incredible, unrestricted exhaust pipe that helps you get the ultimate performance from your bike. Our backdraft exhaust kits include:

  • Honda Shadow VT750 – 2004 & Up, Aero Phanton Spirit
  • Honda Shadow VT600 VLX 600 88-07
  • Honda Shadow VT750 Spirit, Ace, Aero

Our exhaust kits are available in finishes to match your style, including black chrome, brass, chrome and raw. So what’s included in each backdraft exhaust kit?

You’ll get 4 bolts and 4 lock washers to replace your stock studs. You have your choice from a number of different tips like dump out, slash cut and straight cut tips. Each exhaust is constructed from 1.75” diameter tubing for pipes that are unrestricted and ready to BLOW.

Magnus V Upsweep Exhaust – Honda Shadow VT 600 VLX 600

Our custom upsweep Honda Shadow exhaust pipe are simple yet bold descendants of classic up-swept exhausts of the chopper years. There’s no better way to give your bike a distinctive yet classic look, and the only sounds you’ll hear are the wind and the dull rumble of your exhaust as you ride.

Our kit includes 1.75” steel tubed exhaust, exhaust nuts and a spacer. With straight-cut ends, you can customize the exhaust with fishtails, mufflers, bafflers or anything else you choose.

Custom Builders Exhaust Kit – Honda Shadow VT600, VLX

Make the exhaust YOU want for your Honda Shadow with our Custom Builders Exhaust Kit. This kit fits Honda Shadow VT 600, VLX and Steed 1988 – 2007. It includes everything you need to make your own custom exhaust, including straight tubing, bends, flange nuts, spacers and boss and collar sets. You have complete freedom with what you do with these parts—let your imagination run wild and create a one-of-a-kind exhaust for your bike.

Custom Builders Exhaust Kit – Honda Shadow VT750

Looking for a custom exhaust kit for your VT750 (1998-2020)? Our kit includes everything you need to make your own custom exhaust, including straight tubing, bends, flange nuts, spacers and boss and collar sets. Break out your grinder and welding machine and start creating the custom exhaust that’s best for your bike! With a lifetime warranty available at checkout, you have peace of mind that your investment in a new exhaust system is built to last.

If your Honda Shadow needs an upgrade, get rid of your stock pipes and go custom with kits from TJ Brutal Customs. Nothing looks or sounds as good as a custom Honda Shadow exhaust from TJ Brutal Customs—explore which option is right for you today!